
Kasmo’s Expertise Helps Algo Shack Optimize the Lead Generation Process with Salesforce

lead generation process

Company Overview 

Our client is Algo Shack – a leading Quality Assurance (QA) software provider company that enhances software delivery through AI and deep technology. Their product is an intelligent test automation platform that leverages AI/ML to streamline testing, ensuring faster and cost-effective bug-free software delivery.  

With expertise in digital commerce and medical devices, they provide exceptional services in product engineering, sales, and technology. Their mission is to help software companies deliver high-quality software efficiently.  

Business Challenges 

Our client faced significant challenges. These challenges were: 

  1. The CRM system was obstructing their operational processes because the data within the CRM was inadequate, leading to inefficiencies. 

  2. They were unable to integrate various tools for streamlining their lead generation process. 

  3. Algo Shack used Fresh Sales, which created communication challenges between the sales and marketing teams. They needed a single platform to not lose out on their opportunities. 

  4. As the client was using Excel sheets for reporting, it proved to be inefficient and cumbersome for employees to maintain. They wanted a solution that would create accurate and seamless reporting.   

lead generation process

Kasmo’s Salesforce Solutions 

Kasmo’s Salesforce experts understood these challenges and implemented Salesforce to solve their challenges. Let’s have a look at these solutions: 

  1. Unified Platform: By implementing Salesforce, our experts were able to unify all their customer data in a single platform. Since Pardot is now acquired by Salesforce, Algo Shack had no problem unifying sales and marketing teams on the same platform. 

  2. Streamlined Lead Generation Process: Once Pardot was implemented, the client started to get leads from this platform (through automatic lead generation), which they referred to as Marketing Qualified Lead (MQL). Once this lead was pushed into their sales process, the leads were converted to account, opportunity and contact termed as Sales Qualified Lead (SQL). These clear distinctions helped the client streamline the lead generation process. 

  3. Optimized Sales Process: As the lead generation process got streamlined, with the help of Salesforce Sales Cloud, the pre-sales team and the sales team started to reach out to the opportunities without failure, increasing revenue growth. 

  4. Improved Reporting: Kasmo helped Algo Shack improve their reporting. Once Salesforce was implemented, reports were automatically generated, it was accurate, and employees did not go through a tedious process to create lengthy reports. 

  5. Automatic Quotation Generation: Our experts customize Salesforce Sales cloud to create customized quotation templates for the client. This template removed the hassle of creating complex and irregular quotations. 

  6. Automating Subscription Renewal: Algo Shack is primarily a subscription-based QA software provider company. To help with timely subscription renewal, our experts at Kasmo automated the subscription renewal process. Algo Shack’s customers would receive automatic subscription-renewal notifications 15 – 30 days before their date of expiry. This helped the client retain customers. 

  7. Customized Pricing Policy: Algo Shack has two types of products with different pricing policies for each. To make the calculation of the prices easy for the sales team, our experts customized Salesforce Sales Cloud to calculate prices separately depending on their type. This made the entire lead generation and sales process much faster and more efficient. 

  8. Integrating Outlook: Our client used Outlook to track all meetings and events. To unify all the data and help the sales team and marketing teams stay on top of their customer meetings and interactions, our Salesforce experts integrated Outlook with Salesforce. This captured all interactions with their customers, helping our client track meetings and consolidate data for future marketing campaigns. 

Results Achieved 

Kasmo helped Algo Shack streamline their lead generation process in just 2 months. Here are some of the key results achieved by Algo Shack using Kasmo’s Salesforce expertise: 

lead generation process

  • No missed opportunity: With Salesforce sales cloud and Pardot implementation, Algo Shack could keep track of all the prospecting leads without any missed opportunities. 

  • Faster lead conversions: As Kasmo optimized the sales process, they could now easily convert leads into accounts, increasing revenue. 

  • Increased customer retention: As Kasmo automated the subscription renewal process, the customers of Algo Shack are less likely to miss out on opportunities to renew their subscriptions. 

  • Optimized lead management: With clear distinctions between MQL and SQL, the client could efficiently manage their leads. 

  • Simpler multi-currency management: Kasmo customized Salesforce sales cloud for Algo Shack so that their sales team could easily calculate and convert currencies according to recent market rates. 

  • Enhanced data security: Kasmo solved Algo Shack’s challenges, related to the recent CRM and different lead generation tools they were using. Our experts implemented the Salesforce sales cloud which helped them store sensitive data and maintain data security and integrity  

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