
How Kasmo Helped a Consulting Company Navigate Sales Workflow Challenges

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Company Overview 

Our client- Source One Management Services Pvt. Ltd. is a leading consulting company and is a pioneer in product development. They focus on leveraging advanced technology to help clients succeed. As partners with Liferay and SAP, they offer services in enterprise integration, implementation, and education. Their expertise includes technical staffing, managed services, and in-house product development in areas like big data, machine learning, and cloud technologies.  

Business Challenges 

Our client faced significant challenges which were creating major roadblocks in their staffing services. They were using Excel sheets to manage their prospects and leads, which was a cumbersome process for them to maintain in the long run. They lacked a single unified CRM platform that can streamline their lead generation and optimize the sales process. They wanted a solution that could help their sales team stay on track with their POCs, accounts and contact. 

Kasmo’s Solutions 

Kasmo’s Salesforce experts customized Salesforce sales cloud to streamline their operations and increase sales efficiency. Here’s how Kasmo created customized solutions for the client: 

Streamlined Account Generation:

By leveraging Salesforce sales cloud, our experts automated account generation. Once the sales representatives acquired their prospects, they got assigned into a set of accounts. After this step, the agents started building the customer portfolio, including hierarchies. This allowed our client to keep track of POCs who were under their client’s management. 

Optimized Reporting:

Once the client portfolio was built it became easy for our clients to keep track of the POCs from this record. Once these POCs showed interest in their business, they deployed agents on the field to co-ordinate further processes with the client. 

Enhanced Tracking:

Kasmo customized Salesforce sales cloud for Source One to easily track their on-field sales agent when they visited their clients. With the Salesforce mobile app, they could easily check-in and check-out; the entire time their location was recorded with GPS enabled.  

Automated Quote Generation:

Once the field agents closed the deals, their leads which were now categorized at the opportunity level, quotes were generated automatically.

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Seamless Reporting:

The managers at Source One can now easily keep track of the opportunities and those who have already received quotes. Approval was made easy, and the managers did not spend excess time gathering opportunities from different sources. All the opportunities were consolidated in Salesforce sales cloud. 

G-suite Integration:

Our experts integrated their G-suite with Salesforce sales cloud. With this integration all the meetings of Source One and their clients were unified on the same platform.  

Easy Contract Management:

After the contracts were signed, all the contracts were moved to a single place where Source One can keep track of their contracts. The client received automated notifications in each step of the process. Our experts also automated the process where an email notification was sent to their client for contract renewal. 

Optimized Closing:

Once this entire process was completed and the contracts were updated in the system, the sales reps could then successfully mark their opportunities as closed. 

Results Achieved

Our client – Source One gained the following benefits from Salesforce sales cloud optimization: 

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